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One-on-one sessions


Feel supported and nourished. Dedicate time to your personal needs. 
Get the attention you want for personal growth and healing or professional development.


Private Coaching

Personal or Professional

Using your imagination, intuition, and expressive arts as your guide, uncover and discover new insights. Problem solve and blast through blocks and self-sabotaging patterns. Choose from ARTbundance™, SoulCollage® or Right Brain Business Plan Coaching.

Schedule a Session

Spiritual Direction

Develop or Deepen Your Practice

Sacred space and time for spiritual exploration in the company of a spiritual companion. Compassionate listening for Spirit's movement in your daily life. Contemplative. Reflective. Mindful. Develop or deepen your spiritual practice. Engage in deep listening.

Schedule a Session
Reiki Treatment

Reiki Healing

60 or 90-minute Sessions

Gentle, limited touch energy healing for health and well-being. Peaceful opportunity to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.

Schedule a Session

One-on-one sessions


Feel supported and nourished. Dedicate time to your personal needs. 
Get the attention you want for personal growth and healing or professional development.


Tarot Reading

Personal or Professional

Using your imagination, intuition, and expressive arts as your guide, uncover and discover new insights. Problem solve and blast through blocks and self-sabotaging patterns. Choose from ARTbundance™, SoulCollage® or Right Brain Business Plan Coaching.

Schedule a Session

Spiritual Direction

Develop or Deepen Your Practice

Sacred space and time for spiritual exploration in the company of a spiritual companion. Compassionate listening for Spirit's movement in your daily life. Contemplative. Reflective. Mindful. Develop or deepen your spiritual practice. Engage in deep listening.

Schedule a Session
Reiki Treatment

Reiki Healing

60 or 90-minute Sessions

Gentle, limited touch energy healing for health and well-being. Peaceful opportunity to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.

Schedule a Session
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